Identify These 3 Signs That Your AC Might Need a Repair

The merciless days of the Longview, TX summer are almost behind us, and we should all give a hand to our faithful air conditioning units for making those days bearable. However, their job isn’t over just yet!

We are going to see warm temperatures well into fall, and your AC unit will have plenty of work to do for several more months. So before you get swept away by your busy schedule, you might want to check in on your AC unit and make sure it is doing alright.

Here are some signs that your air conditioner might need repairs from Alco Air.

Call Alco Air today at (903)-605-1654!

Your AC Unit is Making Terrible Music

Keep an ear out for odd sounds from your air conditioner. It’s generally not normal if your unit is making loud noises. The wide range of possible sounds include:

Aside from these noises clashing with your peace and quiet, they can also indicate that something is out of place, failing or in need of a little TLC. The noises don’t have to be loud to be troublesome, either.

Aside from these noises clashing with your peace and quiet, they can also indicate that something is out of place, failing or in need of a little TLC. The noises don’t have to be loud to be troublesome, either.

Your Home Feels Sticky

Call Alco Air today at (903)-605-1654!

High humidity in your home can be an indication your air conditioner is not working properly. During proper operation, it dehumidifies as it cools. If you have noticed sticky, humid air out of the blue, it could be a problem with your AC system not running enough.

Check the AC setting. For optimal humidity, it should be on “Auto” rather than “On”. Proper dehumidification is not possible if the fan runs constantly. If your settings were correct, you might need to consider having a professional diagnosis or at the least, a system maintenance.

What in the World is That Smell?

An unusual or unpleasant odor in the air could be coming from your ducts. Musty odors can indicate the presence of mold/mildew growth in your system, and burning smells can be a red flag for corroded electrical connections or wiring. Your AC should not contribute to the smell of your home at all, so if something is off, it requires attention.

These signs, along with warm air or inefficient performance, should be addressed before they evolve into something much more serious. And don’t forget to change your air filter!

Call Alco Air today at (903)-605-1654!

If you need an AC expert to help you with any air conditioning issue, call Alco Air at 903-605-1654 today.