Top Signs of a Refrigerant Leak For Longview, TX Residents

Refrigerant is essential for your air conditioning in Longview, TX to operate normally. If your refrigerant is low, it can cause your AC’s compressor to overheat or the coil to become compromised, which will then cause a breakdown. Continuously replacing refrigerant is an unnecessary and costly.

Alco Air is here with tips to help you identify refrigerant leaks right away to prevent air conditioning breakdowns and save you money.

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How to Detect a Refrigerant Leak in Your AC

  • Keep an Ear Out For Hissing – Leaking refrigerant is often audible when it comes rushing out of tiny holes in your system’s refrigerant lines.
  • Check Your Evaporator Coils – Is there any ice? That is a very common sign of refrigerant leaks, as the refrigerant is not present to regulate your system’s temperature.
  • Feel For Warm Vent Air – An air conditioner is simply not as efficient without enough refrigerant to cool your home.
  • Observe Cooling Cycles – Are they longer than usual? Pay attention to the weather if long cycles occur, too. If it isn’t warmer than usual outside and the cooling cycles are taking longer than they once did, then your air conditioner may be working really hard (and less efficiently) to keep you cool.

In general, it’s always a good idea to call in a professional if you believe are experiencing some of the signs but aren’t certain. Many people aren’t familiar with the appearance of evaporator coils or sounds of their AC, or they have not previously paid attention to cooling cycles.

Prevention Tips & Solutions For Today

Yearly tune-ups go a long way in preventing a long list of air conditioning issues, including refrigerant leaks. Alco Air’s technicians can detect the smallest of leaks and patch them up before they turn into a larger problem. As with any other AC malfunction, regular maintenance will help you significantly cut down on repair calls.

If you suspect you are experiencing a refrigerant leak, call us at 903-605-1654 . We’ll send in an air conditioning expert that is familiar with all the signs listed above and more. You’ll have your system patched up with adequate refrigerant in no time.

Check out our page on maintenance plans to explore effective refrigerant leak prevention.