Is your HVAC not heating?

With winter fast approaching, a functioning HVAC system should be a priority. Regardless of your home heating equipment, getting the right amount of heat is critical. It isn’t as easy as setting the thermostat.

Fortunately, we made a guide on how to prepare a heater for winter. Continue reading below on how to winterize your HVAC.

Perform a Visual Inspection

Is your HVAC not heating? Before you call an HVAC repair contractor, perform a visual inspection of the furnace. It applies even when your furnace is inside a closet, in your garage, or the attic.

Check for obstructions since they might cause heating issues. Remove anything blocking the radiators, baseboard heaters, and registers.

During Christmas, toys and decorations keep the heat from entering the room. Thus, maintain a three-foot clearance around the furnace. 

Replace Old Filters

The most common HVAC heating issues come from a filtering system full of dust and dirt. Accumulated dust affects the filter’s efficiency.

Replace your HVAC filters regularly. Check your filters every 30 days. When transitioning to winter, consider replacing filters.

Also, clean all the air vents inside your home. The dust can also accumulate and block indoor airflow. 

Heat Your Furnace

Turn on your furnace at least three times before winter arrives. It helps check whether your furnace is running smoothly. Sometimes, critters, squirrels, and other debris get stuck in the ventilation system.

Heating your furnace earlier takes out the blockages. Moreover, you can seek professional HVAC repairs if the damage goes beyond basic troubleshooting.

Work on Your Thermostat

Adjust your thermostat for winter. Program the device to work 30 minutes before waking in the morning. It helps achieve a nice warm temperature by the time you get out of bed.

Also, program the thermostat to shut off once you leave for work. Assign it to turn on 30 minutes before you arrive.

Though 91 million homes in the United States have thermostats, only 25 million use a programmable one. If you’re one of them, now is the time to do it.

Regular Maintenance is a Must

Schedule regular HVAC maintenance visits. Have a trusted contractor in East Texas check your system once every fall and spring.

Ask for tips on proper HVAC care. Reputable contractors will teach you how to fix your heater during emergencies.

When to Call an HVAC Specialist

Understand the signs of a possible HVAC problem. Check whether the furnace provides adequate heat. Watch out for unusual smells and weird noises.

See if the furnace pilot light is blue. If it turns yellow or any other color, it’s a possible ventilation problem. If these signs remain after troubleshooting, call an HVAC specialist right away.

HVAC Not Heating? Let’s Fix Your HVAC Now

Preparing your furnace months before winter saves time and resources. You can detect and address the problems early on. Use these to fix common HVAC heating issues.

However, major HVAC heating issues are outside of DIY. Is your HVAC not heating after applying the maintenance tips above? It’s time to call in the experts.

We offer HVAC repairs and maintenance for homes in Longview, Texas. Connect with us and schedule a visit today.